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If you have any questions or comments about Your Cancer Prevention Guide, feel free to drop me a line! I would love to hear from you. If you have any questions about cancer or cancer prevention, this is the place to ask. I will do my best to get back to you with a response. If I don't have the answer at hand, I will either quickly research the answer or steer you in the right direction.
If you have a question about prostate cancer, please post it at Prostate Cancer Questions & Answers. I reply to each and every email that I receive. Please indicate if you want a response by ticking the appropriate box after your question/comment. Also, please check that the email address you have given me is correct, as otherwise I won't be able to send you the information that you have requested. Please be assured that I will use your e-mail address only to respond to your query or comment. I hate spam and never send unsolicited e-mails or provide e-mail addresses to anyone else. I hope that you will return to visit my site often and follow the updates.
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